Thursday, December 31, 2009


We are girls with a mission, and we LOVE to learn. We usually have several things going on both actively and in our minds (which can be frustrating at times...we scarcely know how to relax or sleep!). When every year makes it's debut, we each have a list of new things we want to learn. We don't tend toward goals of a physical nature (losing weight, exercising, etc., we like to cook and eat FAR too much to ever stick with resolutions like that!), rather ours run more toward learning a new skill, doing something different in the garden, traveling somewhere new, learning a new language (this one might be a stretch),but you know, things like that, that keep us active and moving! We talk about what we want to learn and usually end up doing a few of them together!

Here are a few for 2010...

1. We are tackling chickens! Mom has an elaborately beautiful coop plan she is going to tackle (turrets and all), one big enough to house enough chickens for both organic eggs and meat. I will be taking on a much smaller version; one that will hold up to 4 chickens (just for eggs...I don't know if I am ready to slaughter yet...gulp...)

2. We, believe it or not, have technology goals (this one makes me we are not technology lovers). Mom is going to get a new phone (with all the bells and wistles), she is going to learn how to use it in and out. I, on the other hand, am beginning to work on Andrew's new website. I have never designed a website before, so this will be a challenge, but I have wonderful people willing to help if I get stuck, and I know what my end goal is!

3. I want to learn to cook more ethnic food! My family and husband love trying foods from all over the world, so my goal is to add a few more recipes to my repetoire that reflect many different areas (Thailand, Japan, France, China, India, Mexico, Spain, etc.)! If any of you have great ethnic recipes, please do pass them on! I would love it! (I am also going to make my own butter, even if it only gets accomplished once! It only takes 15 minutes people! Did you know that!?)

4. I am going to learn to sew. I can do BASIC pillows, curtains tablecloths and napkins, but I am going to try to sew clothes... this should be interesting. Luckily, my mom is an ace. I hope she is prepared for lots of sewing emergency phone calls.

I could go on and on with things that we want to learn and do. I hope you, as well, have fun plans to look forward to in 2010, but first and foremost, we want to wish our wonderful readers a blessed and beautiful New Year!!!


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